Hatchery Questions
Coho: Also known as silver salmon, these fish are released from the hatchery after 18 months. Adult coho return at age three after more than a year at sea. An average coho weighs about eight pounds when it returns to spawn in the fall.
Steelhead: Steelhead are rainbow trout that go to sea. They are released from hatcheries at about one year of age and spend up to four years at sea before returning to spawn in freshwater. Different strains of steelhead return at different times of the year, but most spawn in late winter. An average steelhead weighs about six pounds.
Trout: Rainbow, brook and cutthroat trout are the principle hatchery species. With the exception of cutthroat trout, these fish spend their lives in freshwater. ODFW raises and releases more than 7 million trout annually. Eggs for production are either taken from brood fish held in the hatchery or from fish trapped and spawned in the wild.
Steelhead are sometimes euthanized prior to spawning, but not always. Some fish may be released back into the river.
Trout hatcheries maintain brood stocks of adult fish that may provide eggs and sperm for several years. ODFW often releases the oldest trout, some weighing five pounds or more, into local ponds for people to catch.
Wildlife Area Questions
Wetlands, for example, are necessary for waterfowl such as ducks and geese. These are the places where migrating birds rest and feed during their spring and fall travels. Many birds also nest and raise their young in wetlands.
Deer and elk need places to go during winter to find shelter and food. These winter ranges are critical to maintaining healthy herds and preventing animals from moving onto and damaging agricultural lands.
Q. What are the Key Roles of Hatcheries?
A. Hatcheries Support:-
Salmon Alevins (Sac Fry)
- Restoration, which outplants
suitable non-local hatchery-produced or naturally-produced native fish
to establish a population in habitat currently vacant for that native
- Captive broodstock collection,
which takes some or all of an imperiled wild population into a
protective hatchery environment for its entire life cycle to maximize
survival and the number of progeny produced
- Captive Rearing, which takes a
portion of an imperiled wild population into a protective hatchery
environment for only that part of its life cycle that cannot be
sustained in the wild
- Egg Banking, which temporarily
removes a naturally produced native fish population from a habitat that
cannot sustain it and relocates the population to another natural or
artificial area that can support the population
- Cryopreservation, which freezes sperm from naturally produced native fish for later use in conservation hatchery programs
- Research, which investigates and
resolves uncertainties relating to the responsible use of hatcheries as a
management tool for fish conservation and use
Coho: Also known as silver salmon, these fish are released from the hatchery after 18 months. Adult coho return at age three after more than a year at sea. An average coho weighs about eight pounds when it returns to spawn in the fall.
Steelhead: Steelhead are rainbow trout that go to sea. They are released from hatcheries at about one year of age and spend up to four years at sea before returning to spawn in freshwater. Different strains of steelhead return at different times of the year, but most spawn in late winter. An average steelhead weighs about six pounds.
Trout: Rainbow, brook and cutthroat trout are the principle hatchery species. With the exception of cutthroat trout, these fish spend their lives in freshwater. ODFW raises and releases more than 7 million trout annually. Eggs for production are either taken from brood fish held in the hatchery or from fish trapped and spawned in the wild.
Q. What happens to adult salmon and steelhead after they return to the hatchery?
A. In the wild, salmon die naturally
after spawning. At hatcheries, workers euthanize the fish before
removing eggs from females and extracting milt, or sperm, from males.
Eggs and sperm are mixed, then placed in special incubators. Development
from a fertilized egg to a small swimming fish, called fry, takes about
two months. Steelhead are sometimes euthanized prior to spawning, but not always. Some fish may be released back into the river.
Trout hatcheries maintain brood stocks of adult fish that may provide eggs and sperm for several years. ODFW often releases the oldest trout, some weighing five pounds or more, into local ponds for people to catch.
Q. When is the best time to visit a hatchery?
A. Fall and early winter are the
busiest and most interesting times at salmon and steelhead hatcheries.
That's when the adults are in the holding ponds and spawning is under
way. Spring and early summer are the peak activity times at trout
hatcheries. Spawning and most fish stocking operations occur during
those months. Wildlife Area Questions
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Q. Why does Oregon set aside lands for Wildlife?
A. In general Oregon has a lot of land
that serves the needs of wildlife very well. Even so, some special
requirements are in short supply. Sometimes the only way to preserve
such places is to publicly manage them.Wetlands, for example, are necessary for waterfowl such as ducks and geese. These are the places where migrating birds rest and feed during their spring and fall travels. Many birds also nest and raise their young in wetlands.
Deer and elk need places to go during winter to find shelter and food. These winter ranges are critical to maintaining healthy herds and preventing animals from moving onto and damaging agricultural lands.
Q. Are wildlife areas set aside for both hunted and non-hunted wildlife?
A. Yes. The same wetlands, winter
ranges and other areas that serve game species also meet the needs of
other wildlife. Wetlands, for example, provide major resting, wintering
and breeding areas for species as diverse as shore birds and bald
eagles. Woodpeckers and hawks thrive on many of the upland wildlife
areas. Hunter dollars pay for purchase and maintenance of these areas,
but the benefits go to all species. Many of these areas also are popular
with people who do not hunt, but would rather hike, fish and view
Q. Does buying property for a public wildlife area take money from the county property tax tolls and local service districts?
A. No. The Oregon Department of Fish
and Wildlife pays more than $180,000 each year in what are called "in
lieu of" taxes or assessments for wildlife area lands. This equals the
amount that would have been paid to counties and service districts if
the lands were privately owned. In addition, wildlife areas generate
economic benefits for counties and local communities. Most sites attract
visitors who spend money in local communities, whether they are hunters
in the fall or hikers and wildlife viewers year-round.
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